Baby3 Ways To Build Your Baby's Early Brain, Even As A Busy...

3 Ways To Build Your Baby’s Early Brain, Even As A Busy Working Parent In Singapore!

Introduction: A Working Mom’s Struggle

As a working mom in Singapore, my days are a whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and endless to-do lists. The hubby has an even busier work schedule, and the both of us don’t have the luxury of working from home. This means that most of the time, our 1 year-old is at home with my in-laws and our helper.

Every day feels like a whirlwind – waking up, preparing my baby’s meal, rushing to work, going through a 9-to-5, and taking the MRT back home. By the time I’m home, I’m already exhausted!

As we are a dual-income household, we only have a few hours in the evening to spend with our little one… so every day I ask myself:

Am I providing enough opportunities to nurture my child’s development?

While I’m fortunate that my little one is well taken care of by my in-laws and our trusted helper, I’m always wondering if I’m missing out on vital moments in my child’s development.

Discovering More About The Early Brain

I was scrolling through my phone on the MRT one day, and I came across an ad on Instagram that was inviting parents to a free webinar on early brain development.

It sounded like exactly what I needed! Plus, it was free – so why not? The webinar happened a few days later, and I persuaded my hubby to watch it with me. We both joined with an open mind, and we were pleasantly surprised!

We learned a lot about how the early brain works from the speaker, Patricia Zoey Tan – who is an early brain expert.

The key takeaway for us was that we really only need to focus about 30-45 minutes each day to nurture our little one’s early brain!

This was such a relief to know! Especially since I’ve always been stressing about how I can provide my little one with more opportunities for growth, even with the little time I have to spend with him each day.

If you want to learn more, I highly recommend that you attend the webinar yourself – but here are the 3 things that I’ve been applying to nurture my baby’s early brain.

#1: Don’t Wait Until Preschool!

This was an eye-opening lesson for me and my hubby. Like many other parents, we tend to think that we don’t really have to focus on educating our children because they will be entering preschool soon anyway.

But that’s not true! Did you know that between 0 to 3 years-old, your child’s brain is growing the fastest than any other time in his or her life!

This means that there is a lot of untapped potential for learning during the first 3 years of life… and yet many of us make the mistake of simply waiting until preschool for formal education!

In fact, we learned that we can already begin nurturing our children’s early brain from the moment they are born.

BUT, that doesn’t mean you should jam-pack your child’s day with educational activities… actually, it’s quite the opposite!

If you want to find out more about how you can provide opportunities for your child’s early brain development, find out more at the webinar here!

#2: It Only Takes 30-45 Minutes Per Day To Nurture The Early Brain

One of the key reasons why I attended the webinar was to learn more about daily activities I should be doing with my child.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that we do not need to spend lots of time (or money) to nurture our children’s early brain!

During the webinar, we learned that it’s key to provide both auditory and visual stimulation at the same time – this means showing something while speaking at the same time.

By doing both, this results in the synapses in your child’s brain connecting at a faster rate – and you only need to do this for 30-45 minutes each day!

One great way to do this is by reading to your child, but by doing it the right way:

  1. Read to your child instead of with your child – we cannot expect our little ones to read the words at such a young age, but over time they will begin to understand the meaning of the words!
  2. You can start doing this as soon as your child is 3 months-old and better able to recognize shapes and colours.
  3. Once your child loses interest, don’t force your child to come back. Try again the next day for 30 minutes!

The point is to provide sufficient stimulation, but without overstimulating the child’s brain. This is why when done properly, 30-45 minutes per day is good enough.

Want to discover more everyday activities that are great for visual and auditory stimulation? Click here to find out more at the webinar!

#3 Avoid The Screen As Much As Possible

As a busy working mom, I totally understand how much easier life would be to just let our little ones watch the phone just so that we can have our dinner in peace.

I’m guilty of that too! Sometimes after coming back from a long day at work, all we want is just some peace and quiet.

But during the webinar, we learned about how bad screen time is for our children’s early brain development.

Excessive screen time actually negatively affects brain development – and can even cause impaired brain function at a later age!

I’m sure we’ve all seen how some toddlers seem to be ‘hypnotized’ by the screen, and are unable to focus or pay attention the moment the screen is removed.

One key takeaway is that by putting in the effort to remove screen time now AND build the early brain, we are creating the foundation for a much easier parenting journey later on in life.

So, while it may be difficult to do, let’s remove the screen now so that our little ones grow up to be curious and confident learners!

Find out more about how you can take steps to reduce, eliminate or even prevent screen time addiction for your little one!

It’s Never Too Early To Start Nurturing Your Child’s Early Brain!

Needless to say, I was very inspired by what I learned from the webinar!

It was a relief to know that despite being a busy parent, I can still provide ample opportunities for my little one’s development.

And I’m sure that you can relate to this too!

I immediately applied what I learned, and made sure that my hubby, in-laws and helper were all aligned too.

Within weeks, we all saw great improvement my little one’s developmental skills.

Not only was he less agitated without the screen (but it’s still a work in progress!), he’s also become much more sociable and interested in learning new things.

So, for any parent that wants to learn:

  • How to nurture your child’s early brain from 0 to 3, and raise a curious and confident learner
  • Simple everyday activities that are great learning opportunities for your little one
  • The science behind the early brain, and how you can capture this window of opportunity to nurture excellent lifelong learning skills…

Then you can check out the free webinar by clicking below!


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